Decoding the levers and conditions of success of the leading Impact Companies of the world, from Purpose, to Innovation and proper use of Technology.
#REBOOT Business 12 – Une Economie Plus Juste
EPISODE SUMMARYAu fil des podcasts Reboot se dessine une ligne convergente vers l’urgence impérieuse de changer le système dans sa globalité. C’est...
#REBOOT Business #11 with Marie Ekeland
Il est nécessaire de réinventer nos modèles économiques et d’investissement pour concilier profit, croissance économique et transition écologique, en mettant en avant une approche systémique et holistique pour répondre aux urgences écologiques et sociales.
#REBOOT Business #10 – La comptabilité : l’alpha et l’omega de la transition ?
Cette semaine, nous plongeons dans l’univers de la comptabilité pour comprendre son rôle dans la représentation, la classification et la gestion de l’économie à travers les civilisations, et comment elle façonne notre monde actuel
#REBOOT Business 09 – Au delà du développement durable: le cas Bouygues – 2ème Partie
Fabrice a travaillé toute sa carrière sur ce sujet que l’on a longtemps appelé RSE ou développement durable, et qui se cherche maintenant une nouvelle définition alors qu’il devient stratégique pour toutes les entreprises parce qu’il s’agit désormais d’anticiper les risques, de repenser le modèle d’affaire , de réinventer l’entreprise.
#REBOOT Business 08 – Au delà du développement durable: le cas Bouygues – 1ère Partie
Fabrice Bonnifet est Directeur Développement Durable & Qualité, Sécurité, Environnement Groupe Bouygues et président du C3D, le collège des directeurs du developper durable. Nous parlons ensemble de l’évolution du métier et comment transformer l’entreprise en général.
#REBOOT Business 07 – La technologie pour accélérer la décarbonation des entreprises
Dans cet épisode, nous discutons de l’importance d’intégrer l’impact environnemental des entreprises dans leurs décisions et de la nécessité d’une collecte et d’une gestion efficaces des données extrafinancières
#Reboot Business 06 – La Décroissance Appliquée aux Entreprises
Dans cet épisode nous explorons la décroissance au niveau des entreprises. Avec l’économiste Timothée Parrique, nous discutons des actions que les entreprises peuvent prendre pour s’aligner sur cette idée. Nous abordons également la nécessité de réduire la production et la consommation, ainsi que les obstacles à une transition vers une société durable.
#REBOOT Business 05 – Business for Good
In this episode, Ryan Gellert, General Manager of the EMEA (Europe, Middle-East, Africa) region for Patagonia talks about the big challenges of our time and the role that a business can and should play in addressing the climate crisis.
#REBOOT Business 04 – L’entreprise Régénérative pour Ambition
Christophe Sempels is a recognized expert in sustainable and innovative economic models. For some, discussing regenerative economics might be seen as jumping the gun or, at worst, a utopia. However, for others like Christophe, it’s the only truly viable ambition if we want there to be an economy in a few decades and, most importantly, a living world where humans can thrive, nothing less than that.
#REBOOT Business 03 – Le grand défi de la réinvention
Virginie Raisson is a geopolitical analyst and futurist. She recently co-founded an initiative called GRANDE DEFI (Enterprises for the Planet), which aims to mobilize businesses and their ecosystem to consider the creation of a new model of economic, humanistic, and regenerative prosperity.
#REBOOT Business 02 – La Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat
In this episode of #REBOOT Business Eric Duverger talks about the creation of the “Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat” and about ways of doing business aligned with the planetary boundaries and the ecological transition.
#REBOOT Business 01 – Réduire et compenser les émissions de carbone
Climate change is now on everyone’s mind and all companies are required to integrate decarbonization efforts into their strategy. In this episode, we talk about how to achieve that with Tristan Lecompte, touching on his vision of corporate responsibility, the carbon market, compensation mechanisms, and offsetting & insetting.
Impact Labs.earth is researching the way to Regenerative Economy. Discover all our Podcasts & Research.
Client Case Study: Ekimetrics
As sustainability consultants, we aim to empower our clients to meet the evolving demands of a sustainable future. In this case, our ongoing collaboration with Ekimetrics, a global leader in data...
Achieving B Corp Certification™
As the business world increasingly values social and environmental performance alongside profit, becoming a certified B Corporation™ (B Corp™) has emerged as a powerful way to demonstrate a...
Go Circular or Go Home: The Road to Nature Positive Business
At Impact Labs, we engineer business to scale nature positive impact. To reach nature positivity, businesses need to reduce their environmental impact and increase their impact investing. This...
Impact Labs CSRD Offer
We are happy to introduce our tailored CSRD service offer, designed to simplify compliance with the new regulations and drive impactful sustainability strategies. This way, teams can focus on reducing their footprint and developing effective nature strategies.
We streamline the CSRD reporting process with relevant tech and tools to make it as smooth and efficient as possible. Our service is designed to guide you through every step of this transformative journey.
Checklist on 10 key aspects to consider when selecting a CSRD Tool
Selecting the right technology for implementing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) involves several key considerations to ensure compliance, efficiency, and effectiveness.
Closing the loop
Despite being a significant global economic force, the fashion industry engenders considerable social and environmental challenges. There is an urgent need to change current trends that lead to big carbon footprints and substantial waste around the world.
Innovating Conservation: Digital Solutions for Preserving Biodiversity
We have reached record biodiversity loss, the voluntary biodiversity market is developing, there is a rise in nature tech players and an increased need for holistic sustainability strategies…
Remote Sensing Technologies in the Voluntary Carbon Market
Nature-based Solutions are fueling the Voluntary Carbon Market, which is under high scrutiny. Can Remote Sensing-based technology to make the Voluntary Carbon Market more transparent?
The 5 main drivers for sustainability evolution
This article aims to provide insights into the evolving sustainability market, explaining the main challenges and opportunities. It will enable you to assess your sustainability maturity level and think about where you’d like to be.
Is eCommerce Sustainable?
Here we explore the sustainability of e-commerce and its impact on product distribution, comparing the GHG emissions associated with e-commerce and physical retail stores and providing insights on how to make informed decisions as a consumer. The article also discusses the importance of omnichannel in reducing direct distribution emissions and highlights how e-commerce can be an enabler for sustainability use cases.
Sustainability Transformation Decade Ahead
What are the parallels between the Digital Transformation that deeply impacted all business sectors, and the Sustainability Transformation that is on its course? Can these 2 transformations boost sustainability and create value?
What does Nature Positive Business mean?
At Impact Labs, nature is the center of our actions. We aim to enact sustainable business transformation with measured significant positive impact, reshaping businesses to ultimately achieve a business model that contributes to nature regeneration. This next frontier is called nature positive business, which will be explained in this blog post.