Our Economic Model has reached its limits”

and Business As Usual is now putting our Planet and Society at risk.

We are depleting Earth much faster than she can regenerate

by crossing several of its Planetary Boundaries

and critical Reduction Targets are missed for way too long.

“We need to reinvent
the Human Enterprise & Business Models ”

to operate within safe Societal Foundations and Planetary boundaries.

manifesto earth


Business Transformers and a Network of Impact Specialists on a mission to challenge the Status Quo


the Pioneers & Innovators of this new Sustainable Economy and the tangible Solutions that drive Positive Impact in each Industry


Business Models, Supply Chains & Demand to enable Resilience & Impact at Scale

“We are Business Transformers”

enabling the Pioneers of the Positive Impact Economy.

If you are

ready to
make a 

start your



Our approach to Business Transformation

Understand why the Economic System is broken

  • Humanity is depleting Earth much faster than she can regenerate
  • by crossing several of its Planetary Boundaries
  • and missing critical Reduction Targets for way too long,
  • while also having negative Impact on People & Society,
  • in a Great Acceleration that is driving our world into rapid & exponential unsustainability.

“We need to rethink our Economy & Business Models to operate within safe Societal Foundations and Planetary boundaries.”


Re-Engineering the Business of Tomorrow

  • Impact Labs is a new breed of Business Transformation Agency & a Network of Impact Specialists on a mission to challenge the status quo
  • We Research & analyze the Pioneers of this new Impact Economy and the tangible Solutions that drive Positive
  • Impact in each Industry
    We Re-engineer Business Models, Supply Chains & Demand to enable Resilience & Impact at Scale
  • by Co-designing better Products & Services, innovating with Ecosystem Partners, and transforming Processes with Digital Technology
  • helping Visionary Companies driven by Purpose to manage their transition from an Extractive to a Regenerative economy
  • that regenerates Nature & Life, and shares Value with all Stakeholders.

“We are Business Transformers enabling the Pioneers of the new Impact Economy”

Impact Labs CSRD Offer

Impact Labs CSRD Offer

We are happy to introduce our tailored CSRD service offer, designed to simplify compliance with the new regulations and drive impactful sustainability strategies. This way, teams can focus on reducing their footprint and developing effective nature strategies.

We streamline the CSRD reporting process with relevant tech and tools to make it as smooth and efficient as possible. Our service is designed to guide you through every step of this transformative journey.

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Closing the loop

Closing the loop

Despite being a significant global economic force, the fashion industry engenders considerable social and environmental challenges. There is an urgent need to change current trends that lead to big carbon footprints and substantial waste around the world.

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Is eCommerce Sustainable?

Is eCommerce Sustainable?

Here we explore the sustainability of e-commerce and its impact on product distribution, comparing the GHG emissions associated with e-commerce and physical retail stores and providing insights on how to make informed decisions as a consumer. The article also discusses the importance of omnichannel in reducing direct distribution emissions and highlights how e-commerce can be an enabler for sustainability use cases.

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What does Nature Positive Business mean?

What does Nature Positive Business mean?

At Impact Labs, nature is the center of our actions. We aim to enact sustainable business transformation with measured significant positive impact, reshaping businesses to ultimately achieve a business model that contributes to nature regeneration. This next frontier is called nature positive business, which will be explained in this blog post.

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Impact is researching the way to Regenerative Economy. Discover all our Podcasts & Research.