We engineer Business to scale Nature Positive Impact


Next Gen Consulting Services

We shape a Sustainable World where Business is a force for Good to drive Positive Impact on People, Society & Planet


Business Model Transformation

Sustainability Engineering

impact labs earth



360º Impact Analytics

impact labs earth

1. Vision

2. Sustainability Engineering

3. Eco-Systemic Innovation

4. 360º Impact Analytics

5. Digitalization

6. Business Model Transformation


Awareness & Purpose Design

Sustainability Strategy

Science-Based Impact Reduction

Eco-Systemic Innovation

Blue Ocean Value Chain Innovation

360º Impact Analytics

Digitalizing your Sustainability Journey


Sustainable Business Model Re-engineering

Regeneration Impact Labs.earth

Business Model Transformation

Nature Positive Solutions for Planet Earth



We consider 2020 is the start of the Impact era: Sustainable Business Transformation realized with measured significant Positive Impact, which is to consider the full costs of doing Business, integrating the Social & Environmental impacts of operations across the Supply Chain, ultimately creating Stakeholder Value with all its value chain partners. It will necessarily reshape business models for more Circularity, more Frugality, or even become more Regenerative.


Discover our 3 months Acceleration Process and Transformation Model

In the last 2 years, we have developed a 3 months Acceleration Process and a Transformation Model that allows to devise for the Digital Sustainability Strategy, evolution of existing Offering, new Offering Design, internal Corporate Social Responsability program, sometimes leading into B-Corp certification. The Strategy is followed by an implementation Steering Committee that will supervise execution. Monitoring of success can be done by joining Client’s Advisory Board.


We work for clients who have a genuine intention to drive impact and run their business responsibly.


Our clients reduced their carbon footprint up to 30%

With them, we aim to achieve quantitative Impact at 5 levels:

  • Improve Operations
  • Optimize the Core Products or Services
  • Engineer the next generation of Sustainable Offering
  • Seek for broader Impact across the Supply Chain
  • and ultimately compensate smartly with Nature Regeneration programs

Systemic Challenges

Understand the forces that shape the Regenerative Economy

#REBOOT Business 12 – Une Economie Plus Juste

EPISODE SUMMARYAu fil des podcasts Reboot se dessine une ligne convergente vers l’urgence impérieuse de changer le système dans sa globalité. C’est particulièrement vrai pour le fonctionnement de la sphère de la finance qui dicte les règles du jeu d’un marché...

#REBOOT Business #11 with Marie Ekeland

Il est nécessaire de réinventer nos modèles économiques et d’investissement pour concilier profit, croissance économique et transition écologique, en mettant en avant une approche systémique et holistique pour répondre aux urgences écologiques et sociales.

#REBOOT Business #10 – La comptabilité : l’alpha et l’omega de la transition ?

Cette semaine, nous plongeons dans l’univers de la comptabilité pour comprendre son rôle dans la représentation, la classification et la gestion de l’économie à travers les civilisations, et comment elle façonne notre monde actuel

#REBOOT Business 09 – Au delà du développement durable: le cas Bouygues – 2ème Partie

Fabrice a travaillé toute sa carrière sur ce sujet que l’on a longtemps appelé RSE ou développement durable, et qui se cherche maintenant une nouvelle définition alors qu’il devient stratégique pour toutes les entreprises parce qu’il s’agit désormais d’anticiper les risques, de repenser le modèle d’affaire , de réinventer l’entreprise.

#REBOOT Business 08 – Au delà du développement durable: le cas Bouygues – 1ère Partie

Fabrice Bonnifet est Directeur Développement Durable & Qualité, Sécurité, Environnement Groupe Bouygues et président du C3D, le collège des directeurs du developper durable. Nous parlons ensemble de l’évolution du métier et comment transformer l’entreprise en général.

Impact Labs CSRD Offer

Impact Labs CSRD Offer

We are happy to introduce our tailored CSRD service offer, designed to simplify compliance with the new regulations and drive impactful sustainability strategies. This way, teams can focus on reducing their footprint and developing effective nature strategies.

We streamline the CSRD reporting process with relevant tech and tools to make it as smooth and efficient as possible. Our service is designed to guide you through every step of this transformative journey.

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Closing the loop

Closing the loop

Despite being a significant global economic force, the fashion industry engenders considerable social and environmental challenges. There is an urgent need to change current trends that lead to big carbon footprints and substantial waste around the world.

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Is eCommerce Sustainable?

Is eCommerce Sustainable?

Here we explore the sustainability of e-commerce and its impact on product distribution, comparing the GHG emissions associated with e-commerce and physical retail stores and providing insights on how to make informed decisions as a consumer. The article also discusses the importance of omnichannel in reducing direct distribution emissions and highlights how e-commerce can be an enabler for sustainability use cases.

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What does Nature Positive Business mean?

What does Nature Positive Business mean?

At Impact Labs, nature is the center of our actions. We aim to enact sustainable business transformation with measured significant positive impact, reshaping businesses to ultimately achieve a business model that contributes to nature regeneration. This next frontier is called nature positive business, which will be explained in this blog post.

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Impact Labs.earth is researching the way to Regenerative Economy. Discover all our Podcasts & Research.