Decoding the levers and conditions of success of the leading Impact Companies of the world, from Purpose, to Innovation and proper use of Technology.

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#REBOOT Business 12 – Une Economie Plus Juste

#REBOOT Business 12 – Une Economie Plus Juste

EPISODE SUMMARYAu fil des podcasts Reboot se dessine une ligne convergente vers l’urgence impérieuse de changer le système dans sa globalité. C’est particulièrement vrai pour le fonctionnement de la sphère de la finance qui dicte les règles du jeu d’un marché...

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Closing the loop

Closing the loop

Despite being a significant global economic force, the fashion industry engenders considerable social and environmental challenges. There is an urgent need to change current trends that lead to big carbon footprints and substantial waste around the world.

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#REBOOT Business #11 with Marie Ekeland

#REBOOT Business #11 with Marie Ekeland

Il est nécessaire de réinventer nos modèles économiques et d’investissement pour concilier profit, croissance économique et transition écologique, en mettant en avant une approche systémique et holistique pour répondre aux urgences écologiques et sociales.

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Can e-commerce be a lab for sustainable retail?

Can e-commerce be a lab for sustainable retail?

We partnered with WITH for this webinar about how e-commerce can become a lab for sustainable retail.
While the e-commerce footprint is lower than retail, e-commerce is also a window to extend positive impact across the value chain, from product to consumer engagement

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Junior Impact Data Scientist 

About is a small sustainability consultancy based in Lisbon. We support impact companies to continue to grow, we help SMEs manage their transition and we leverage digital solutions to accelerate the sustainable transformation of large...

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