

Decoding the levers and conditions of success of the leading Impact Companies of the world, from Purpose, to Innovation and proper use of Technology.

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#Reboot Business 06 – La Décroissance Appliquée aux Entreprises

#Reboot Business 06 – La Décroissance Appliquée aux Entreprises

Dans cet épisode nous explorons la décroissance au niveau des entreprises. Avec l’économiste Timothée Parrique, nous discutons des actions que les entreprises peuvent prendre pour s’aligner sur cette idée. Nous abordons également la nécessité de réduire la production et la consommation, ainsi que les obstacles à une transition vers une société durable.

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What does Nature Positive Business mean?

What does Nature Positive Business mean?

At Impact Labs, nature is the center of our actions. We aim to enact sustainable business transformation with measured significant positive impact, reshaping businesses to ultimately achieve a business model that contributes to nature regeneration. This next frontier is called nature positive business, which will be explained in this blog post.

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#REBOOT Business 04 – L’entreprise Régénérative pour Ambition

#REBOOT Business 04 – L’entreprise Régénérative pour Ambition

Christophe Sempels is a recognized expert in sustainable and innovative economic models. For some, discussing regenerative economics might be seen as jumping the gun or, at worst, a utopia. However, for others like Christophe, it’s the only truly viable ambition if we want there to be an economy in a few decades and, most importantly, a living world where humans can thrive, nothing less than that.

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Theory U of Systems Change

Theory U of Systems Change

In today’s world, we are facing complex systems that require systemic approaches for transformation. In this post, we discuss The Theory U of systems change, a methodology to achieve a Regenerative & Eco-System Centric Operating System created by Otto Scharmer.

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NEWS: Ekimetrics, a new “Entreprise à Mission”

NEWS: Ekimetrics, a new “Entreprise à Mission”

Ekimetrics, a “Data science for a sustainable business performance” company, has recently become an “Entreprise à Mission”, a Benefit Corporation under US law, making them a sustainable leader in the tech industry. This achievement was a result of a two-year transformation process with the support of Impact Labs.

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