Stone Capital – OASIS Project
OASIS Project
Ongoing project launched in 2022 that consists in the design and construction of a retail park that shares spaces with affordable-rent housing units on a 90k+ m2 plot in Barreiro. Both structures will receive a BREEAM Certification.
#Sustainbility #RealEstate #BusinessTransformation #Innovation

Development of sustainable real estate leveraging low-carbon construction and architecture, and digital tools
Stone Capital is a real estate developer based in Portugal, founded in 2010, and has been an important player in the rehabilitation of Lisbon’s historic areas. With over 1500 apartments delivered and numerous assets under development, Stone has expanded into other initiatives and different types of projects, such as schools, office buildings and retail parks.
Recognizing the global environmental footprint of the industry and the growing concern among Stone’s stakeholders regarding climate change and our changing planet, the real estate developer, together with Impact Labs, is leading its first-ever sustainability strategy at group and project-level. Leveraging the expertise of Impact Labs and drawing inspiration from green building certificates, Stone aims to implement construction best practices that prioritize environmental stewardship and allow the quantified reduction of its ecological impact, from Carbon to Water and Biodiversity.
Real Estate
Mostly individual home buyers, government entities, private businesses
Most projects are located in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area
Transformation Mission
Sustainability Engineering & Business Model Transformation
Benchmarking study, creation of an environmental impact framework and Strategic Marketing & Communication pieces
Support to BREEAM Certification
Support in BREEAM’s certification strategy process and achievement
Eco-systemic Innovation
Sourcing of key high & low tech innovative solutions and Partners to achieve sustainability targets
#Sustainability Engineering & Business Model Transformation
Sustainability Strategy at Project Level
For this project, which consists of constructing a retail park and an affordable housing building, we aimed to tackle sustainability challenges in construction and retail businesses. In both, sustainability poses significant challenges, such as resource consumption, waste management, and environmental impact reduction. To overcome those challenges, Impact Labs, together with Stone, translated a typical sustainability strategy, usually done at the company level, to the project level, with long term goal to provide full autonomy for the project managers to replicate to all projects
This involved a comprehensive sustainability strategy process to guide the conceptualization and vision of this project. This process included several key components: first, we conducted a materiality analysis to identify critical sustainability topics relevant to construction and retail businesses. Additionally, we developed an Environmental Impact Framework specifically tailored to the retail sector, allowing us to understand and address its unique challenges and opportunities. Utilizing benchmarking and market studies, we gained insights into industry best practices and market trends. Finally, we translated Stone’s sustainability vision into strategic marketing and communication pieces, ensuring alignment between the company’s sustainability objectives and stakeholders’ expectations.
Finally, Impact Labs supported in converting the sustainability goals of the project into communication pieces to engage key stakeholders, through the creation of guidelines for retailer selection, B2B guidelines for retailer operations and B2C consumer branding and education initiatives. All of these initiatives are core to the creation of an Impact Report that aims to communicate effectively with all stakeholders.
#Support to BREEAM Certification
Support to BREEAM certification strategy
Introducing the BREEAM certification to new users can become an overwhelming process due to its complexity, with a vast array of credits delving into intricate details. Each credit can present its own set of challenges, requiring a deep understanding of its nuances. BREEAM serves as more than just a label; it stands as a comprehensive framework and guidance for sustainable best practices in construction and its true value emerges when fully integrated within a company’s operations. When embraced holistically, BREEAM becomes a powerful tool to embed sustainability at the core of construction projects.
A company partner of the project and BREEAM certification expert and assessor is supporting in the calculation of the credits needed to achieve the intended goal and navigating through the certification process. On the other hand, in light of the materiality analysis referenced earlier, Impact Labs is leveraging insights from this analysis and helping sourcing solutions to support the creation of a BREEAM certification strategy tailored to the most relevant sustainability topics for the retail sector and the region. This strategy has been created with a rigorous cost-benefit analysis of each credit, ensuring that our approach not only meets sustainability objectives but also maximizes the value of our efforts. Moreover, we prioritize the ability to strategize BREEAM certification to achieve high rankings at reasonable cost, and we emphasize maximum efficiency in the bureaucratic process, particularly in evidence collection. With a long-term goal to master the practice internally, we understand the necessity for BREEAM to be deeply embedded into the design phase, ensuring its seamless integration into our sustainable construction initiatives. Through our support, we aim to demystify BREEAM, empowering Stone to navigate its complexities and unlock its transformative potential in shaping the future of sustainable construction practices.
#Eco-systemic Innovation
Eco-systemic Innovation: Sourcing of key innovative solutions and Partners to achieve Sustainability targets
At Impact Labs, we are dedicated to sourcing the most adapted and groundbreaking technologies that not only align with our sustainability objectives but also resonate with our clients’ needs. A cornerstone of our approach lies in The Digital4Impact Tech Radar, a dynamic map meticulously curated to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital technologies driving sustainability forward.
In the real estate sector, digital tools play a pivotal role in revolutionizing traditional practices. Construction cost management tools and Building Information Modeling (BIM) software are transformative aids empowering architects, engineers, and project managers that support the optimization of building designs and streamlining construction processes.
Moreover, due to the complexity of construction projects and the diverse expertise required, Impact Labs actively seeks out strategic partners. A specialized company in Zero-Energy Buildings (nZeb), is providing valuable insights into the buildings’ environmental life cycle impact and cost considerations, significantly contributing to the project’s sustainability performance. Working with specialized companies can support real estate developers in building more nature-positive cities.
This project aims at being an example of best practice in sustainable real estate development. With the guidance of BREEAM Certification and external sustainability expert partners covering the whole real estate value chain, the project reduces its ecological impact while maximizing long-term ROI. Through collaboration with partners, such as Dosta Tec with expertise on low-carbon construction & architecture and leveraging digital tools, the projects seeks to translate sustainability into the user experience, contributing to more nature-positive cities.

Purpose: Develop a retail park and housing units that enhance nature positively, and use BREEAM as the construction framework

People: Construct affordable housing units that share communal areas and amenities with a sustainably developed retail park, fostering the well-being of both tenants and consumers

Planet: Achieve a high BREEAM Certification by emphasizing energy efficiency, utilizing renewable sources, optimizing water usage, and creating quality green spaces.

Profits: Enhanced long-term Return on Investment (ROI) driven by excellent sustainability performance and alignment to sustainability standards.
“Impact Labs has supported us on our journey to discover and develop new business philosophies based on the objective of significantly reducing the carbon footprint of our activity, with a very important contribution at every stage of the project, from conception to operation. This is undoubtedly a noble, essential role with great social responsibility.”