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The Resilience Institute – Building Employees’ Resilience for Resilient Businesses on a Resilient Planet

Digitalization & Acceleration of an Impact company on a mission to improve true Employee Well-being & Resilience, by carefully re-engineering the Client eXperience & the Business Model.

#Impact Analytics # Digitalization #Business Transformation

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Employee Well-being & Resilience


Resilience Institute is an Impact company, certified as a B-Corp, on a mission to improve true Employee Well-being & Resilience for large Corporations, providing tools, data & services to let those organizations truly embrace their employee mental health at work.

Our mission has been our typical Impact Acceleration process, from clear Impact definition to Technology Stack definition and Digitalization of the Client eXperience and the Business Model, to allow for accelerated Growth and scaled Impact.


Services, Well-being


Large Corporations



Acceleration Mission

Impact Analysis

Impact Analytics

Framing the KPIs for Resilience & link to Business



Digitalizing the Client Experience for more Impact & Scale


Business Transformation

Re-engineering the Business Model to scale Impact & Growth

#Impact Analytics

Framing the KPIs for Resilience & link to Business

Built on years of research on employee well-being by Doctor Sven, backed by dozens of thousands of Data points across the Globe each year, Resilience Institute has built a robust measurement scheme of Employee Resilience, and process to anchor it. 

After detailed analysis of Competitors and robustness of other Measurement Frameworks, we have co-engineered with teams a simplified & more engaging Data Visualizations, as well as Custom Journeys that would allow to further collect Data and personalize the Employee eXperience to achieve better results.

We have also addressed the needs of all other important Stakeholders that would help drive the change in the Companies (CXO & HR representatives in the first place).

Finally, we have paved the way for a Data Strategy & Research Program that would allow for clearer correlation with Business Performance, providing even more evidence of the importance of well-being at work.


Digitalizing the Stakeholders Experience for more Impact & Scale

To scale Resilience Institute impact, we needed to engineer a Hybrid eXperience that would blend the Human Services with Digital “self service” tools & content, to capitalize on the Consulting services when they have most Impact for Employees, and let them progress at their own rhythm on a personalized Learning Journey proposing to deepen the knowledge and measure their progress.

After careful design of the Customer Experience, audit of the AS IS (existing) Technologies, we have proposed the ideal Technology Stack to deliver the eXperience within time & budget constraints. Our Roadmap includes minimum Build of new features,sourcing of existing complementary SaaS solutions to Buy or Rent of , hiring of an acceleration team & providers to deliver Prototype and reach full scale in record time.

#Business Transformation

re-engineering the Business Model to scale Impact & Growth

Digital Transformation is always a challenge for Services Companies that sell Knowledge & Consulting hours, as it can cannibalize the traditional Business if change is not properly managed.

Management team has been engaged during the whole process, actively contributing to the Strategy Definition process and design of Solutions. But also being prepared for the Change process has each of the members would take an active role in coaching & training all Consultants to embrace the new tools and new ways of delivering the Services.

In the end, allowing to focus precious Human time for the tasks with most perceived value for Clients, but especially most Impact. And on a Business perspective, enabling much better scalability of the number of Employees benefiting from the solution, the number of Services delivered, thus the hyper growth of the Top-line while delivering a better bottom line.


Building Employees’ Resilience & Well-being for Resilient Businesses on a Resilient Planet


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Icon Profit

Purpose: Building Employees’ Resilience & Well-being for Resilient Businesses on a Resilient Planet

People: Employee Resilience & Well-being

Planet: awareness & connection with Business Sustainability issues, including Environmental Concerns

Profits: hyper growth “hybrid” Impact Business Model

“Impact Labs has helped us to better measure our Social Impact, and find avenues to scale it, defining a high growth Business Model completely in line with our Purpose, selecting the Technologies & initiatives that have the highest Return on Impact”

Benoit Greindl

CEO & Founder of Regenerative Alliance, Resilience Institute