Sustainability Strategy, Digital & Data Transformation, Innovation Management, Business Transformation, Change Management.
20 years in Digital & Data Transformation. 3 years of Sustainability Transformation
Linked In Profile
Personal Impact
Carbon Neutral individual since 2015, running on Renewable Energy since 2020.
Business Impact
Aiming at supporting reduction of 1B Tons CO2e by 2030.
Living within the Planetary Boundaries & outdoor adventures

Vincent Stuhlen
Vincent is a Digital for Impact activist
After 20 years in Digital & Data Transformation, both launching Start-ups and transforming Fortune 100 Corporations like L’Oréal and Levi’s where he created B€ yearly revenues or savings, Vincent Stuhlen has been focusing since 2019 on Sustainable Business Transformation through Digital Technologies, Innovation & Purpose Design.
His Consulting approach is based on a unique skill set of Sustainability Strategy, Business Transformation and Digital & Data Innovation to accelerate Sustainable Business Transformation at Scale.
From large Corporations and Tech Companies to Start-ups and Scale-ups (often becoming an investor), Vincent co-creates a robust Strategy and supports implementation (often joining Board of Advisors).
Vincent is a Digital for Impact activist, and launched Tech4ChangeNOW track with ChangeNOW tradeshow, one of the largest Sustainable Business event in the world.
Convinced that real Change only comes through sincere intentions, a well-articulated plan, and congruence (founders, CEO and employees also walking the talk), Vincent has supported several Companies to become B-Corporations.
Vincent is a Carbon Neutral individual since 2015, running on Renewable Energy since 2020, with objectives to live within the 2 Tons personal Carbon Budget by 2030 (excluding minimized airplane traveling for Clients, with hands-on compensation to be Net Zero).