This episode features an interview of Lubomila Jordanova, a sustainability expert, discussing the complexities of corporate decarbonisation.
Jordanova details her work with Plan A, a SaaS platform for carbon management, and the Green Tech Alliance, a community supporting green entrepreneurs. The conversation explores obstacles to corporate sustainability, including confusing reporting standards, short-term versus long-term pressures, and the need for a unified approach to reporting and action. Finally, Jordanova underscores the crucial role of data and technology in accelerating the transition, advocating for a holistic approach that prioritises both economic and environmental sustainability.
What do we talk about ?
0:00 Introduction and Background
2:22 The State of Corporate Sustainability
6:00 Governmental vs private action
12:00 The Corporate Struggle with Impact Reporting
14:24 Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Sustainability
16:20 The unexpected costs of environmental risks
18:15 The Greentech Alliance
22:05 The Role of digital technology and data in Sustainability
27:06 Plan A’s Approach to Maximizing Positive Impact
33:08 Realistic and achievable Net-zero strategies
37:00 Navigating Tensions in Corporate Sustainability Decision-Making
39:00 Expanding Sustainability Focus Beyond Carbon to Nature-Based Solutions
42:00 The role of AI in sustainability
45:00 Plan A’s decarbonisation goals
48:00 BMW and the Successful Integration of Plan A’s Solution
49:30 Reboot Button: Reimagining Education for Sustainability
Plan A can assess the company and its building blocks per department, the utilization of resources that create CO2 emissions and give suggestions on how to improve and also designate the responsibility to the different stakeholders
Digitization is allowing us to make better decisions that are showing not only “this is your CO2 level, this is your ESG level” but combining these data points to business relevant and business familiar KPIs, like your growth in sales and others.

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