Decoding the levers and conditions of success of the leading Impact Companies of the world, from Purpose, to Innovation and proper use of Technology.

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#REBOOT Business #15 with Dennis Meadows

Dennis Meadows explores the consequences of humanity’s pursuit of infinite growth in a finite world and the urgent need to shift our focus from sustainability to resilience.
The discussion dives into the challenges of systemic change, including the societal and political resistance to acknowledging physical and planetary boundaries. Drawing from decades of research and observation, Meadows shares insights on adapting to a post-growth economy, fostering resilience at individual and community levels, and rethinking long-term goals in the face of ecological and societal constraints.

#REBOOT Business #14 with Lubomila Jordanova

Jordanova details her work with Plan A, a SaaS platform for carbon management, and the Green Tech Alliance, a community supporting green entrepreneurs. The conversation explores obstacles to corporate sustainability and the need for a unified approach to reporting and action. Jordanova underscores the crucial role of data and technology in accelerating the transition, advocating for a holistic approach that prioritises both economic and environmental sustainability.

#REBOOT Business 13 –  Biocentrism & Activism

EPISODE SUMMARYIn this special episode of Reboot Business, we revisit a powerful conversation with Paul Watson, the legendary captain and founder of Sea Shepherd. Paul, currently imprisoned for his activism, discusses his biocentric worldview, the importance of ocean...

#REBOOT Business 12 – Une Economie Plus Juste

EPISODE SUMMARYAu fil des podcasts Reboot se dessine une ligne convergente vers l’urgence impérieuse de changer le système dans sa globalité. C’est particulièrement vrai pour le fonctionnement de la sphère de la finance qui dicte les règles du jeu d’un marché...

#REBOOT Business #11 with Marie Ekeland

Il est nécessaire de réinventer nos modèles économiques et d’investissement pour concilier profit, croissance économique et transition écologique, en mettant en avant une approche systémique et holistique pour répondre aux urgences écologiques et sociales.

Impact Labs.earth is researching the way to Regenerative Economy. Discover all our Podcasts & Research.

Theory U of Systems Change

Theory U of Systems Change

In today’s world, we are facing complex systems that require systemic approaches for transformation. In this post, we discuss The Theory U of systems change, a methodology to achieve a Regenerative & Eco-System Centric Operating System created by Otto Scharmer.

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NEWS: Ekimetrics, a new “Entreprise à Mission”

NEWS: Ekimetrics, a new “Entreprise à Mission”

Ekimetrics, a “Data science for a sustainable business performance” company, has recently become an “Entreprise à Mission”, a Benefit Corporation under US law, making them a sustainable leader in the tech industry. This achievement was a result of a two-year transformation process with the support of Impact Labs.

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Impact Labs.earth is researching the way to Regenerative Economy. Discover all our Podcasts & Research.